Email Intelligence for the Capital Markets

Proven by over 150 firms from Boutique to Bulge Bracket, Street Context’s email insights deliver unparalleled results. Our industry expertise helps users focus on what matters: gaining an immediate and long-term competitive advantage by having the right conversations with the right people at the right time.

Find Your Solution

For Markets

Turn your morning note into actionable insights. Proactively target follow-ups using data, not best guesses.

For Research

Use engagement data from formal and informal research readership to drive follow ups, analyst calls, and votes.

For Banking

Source deals with intelligent email. Build relationships based on engagement and personalize coverage at scale.

For Broker Relations

Centralize sending entitlement and change requests and track their status to streamline on- and off-boarding.

The Only Email Intelligence Software Built for Capital Markets

Over 5,000 users at 150+ firms in 40+ countries worldwide

Globally Present

Proven with Bulge Brackets all the way down. Our industry expertise helps our partners focus on what matters: gaining an immediate and long-term competitive advantage by having the right conversations with the right people at the right time.

Say Goodbye to Everything You Hate About Email

Information flows through email. But it’s a time suck.

You lose precious hours to menial tasks, searching for workarounds, and rage-clicking through irrelevant information.

Teams are left wondering: What’s important? Who should I talk to? What will get me ahead? Without context, it’s up to best guesses.

Transform Email Into an Engine for Smarter Conversations

Street Context delivers everything you need and nothing you don’t.

The Evolution of Email Has Arrived

Better, More Efficient
Email Workflows

Centralize contacts and lists to easily send out regular content, maintain consistent coverage, and gain insights into which emails are getting the most engagement from which contacts.

Leverage priority contacts and engagement trends to better target follow up and reach out more effectively with the contacts you care about

Deliver the right message to the right contact at the right time to increase conversions and drive revenue

Manage Street Relationships at Scale

We’ll help you craft, distribute, and track requests to the sell side, automatically follow up, get confirmation, and keep your coverage information up to date.

Only Street Context is focused on turning email from a source of frustration to a well-oiled machine for broker relations teams and investment professionals.

Word on the Street

“Given my focus on opening and growing business [Street Context is] an incredible feedback loop of who is interacting with content and it’s all right there, you don’t have to go find it.”

Street Context Fits Right In With Tech Ecosystem

Make Every Email Your Competitive Advantage