We want to do what we can to support you
These last weeks have been challenging for everyone. Uncertainty and panic are now rife in the markets, and volatility has been increasing, to say the least. With the WHO declaring an official pandemic, this situation could be with us for a while. To add to the problem, in-person meetings and travel are now largely off the table, meaning that all of the rapidly evolving news and information must be communicated over phone, email, and instant messenger.
For that reason, we’re implementing a temporary measure during this period of uncertainty, following on the likes of Google, Microsoft, Box, and others, to try and help support our clients during this challenging period. Effective immediately, we are offering all of our existing clients as many temporary Street Contxt licenses as they want, at no additional charge. We will provide this support to all our clients during the next few months, through to the end of Q2. Anyone who wants a free Street Contxt license in order to more intelligently communicate with their clients may have one, at no cost for the next 100 days.
If you or any of your colleagues are interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can respond to me, or email [email protected]. We’re extending this offer exclusively to our existing clients (where we’re already integrated and live, so we can set up new users easily). We have formed a special internal team to get you up and running quickly, and make sure you can more effectively communicate with your clients over email.
From our end, we’ve seen a massive spike in traffic through our platform, as people double down on email en masse as the most effective communication channel that is still available. Our daily email volume is now around 50% higher than it was just a few weeks ago. Talking to our clients, the reasons are clear: they have a lot of information they need to get out to clients, and email is the only channel that works at scale. The inability to connect in person is just compounding the issue, meaning high touch follow up can only be done over the phone. Knowing who to call, when to call them, and what to talk about has never been more important.
For the foreseeable future, it looks like digital channels will dominate communication – email, phone, and IM. New norms and practices are being established on how to effectively leverage those channels, and crisis moments like this will solidify those norms. We want to help our clients navigate this time of uncertainty, and help them support and drive their business in any way possible – we’re in this together.
At Street Contxt we feel this is something we can do to help our clients navigate this challenging time, and adapt to the new communication rules that Covid-19 has forced the industry to adopt. One thing is for certain: you’re going to be sending a lot more emails over the next few months.
We’re all in this together. Stay safe out there, and remember, this too shall pass,